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Stand out from the crowd
Graham Hawkes
/ Categories: Customer Service

Stand out from the crowd

When you are trying to get through a mountain of emails to make your email stand out, you need to do something different. 


Some time ago, I received this email from a vineyard in Clevedon, Auckland.  Here's how it read:


"Spare a thought for the grape.

Has it occurred to you that all around the world grapes are being tortured and abused? Starved of water and nutrients, made to grow in inhospitable places, plucked, bound, and tied. Stomped on and generally maltreated.


Join the SPCG - the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Grapes. At Inverness Estate, headquarters of the SPCG, our grapes are carefully nurtured in a stress- free environment, and lovingly encouraged to become beautiful, satisfying and fulfilling wines. Come out and try them yourself.


We are confident you will notice the difference!


Yes, we are open this weekend and we'd love to see you.

Remember, be kind to grapes and they'll be kind to you.




Yo & John Robinson

Inverness Estate
Ness Valley Road


p.s. our artist in residence, Sher Booth, has some interesting works on show too.”


What a great idea.  It gets your attention, and entices you to read on – and note that the name of the vineyard doesn’t appear until you have read most of the text.  And also the post script at the end.  People will always read that and in this case it gives me another reason to visit the vineyard.  I don’t know if this vineyard is still operating, but I do remember going there once – and then again as a result of getting this email.  It’s a great template for any business.


A classic format for a mail out, and one we can utilise in any business.  So how can you adapt it?

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